In Memoriam of:

Yuval Gabbai

Age: 35

From: Kibbutz Re'eim/Rehovot

In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Major (res) Yuval Gabbai, z"l, carried out his reserves duty in the Shomron Military Police Command. He was killed by the terrorists on October 7th as he was on the way to protect the residents of Moshav Itamar in Judea and Samaria.

Yuval was a die-hard fan of Hapoel Tel Aviv. His friends painted in his memory in the Florentine neighborhood an inscription with his name and the club's color.

His brother wrote in the obituary:


"I loved being your younger brother, so close to your age, different from you and similar to you. I enjoyed our constant competition: who is better at sports, who looks better, and who is physically stronger. Here at the funeral I am ready to admit - you were definitely the strongest among us. But don't get too excited. In the last week I was called Yuval several times, and quite a few people told me that I laugh, move, and act like you. I was happy about that, because maybe it means that something of you remains with us, with me.

You really liked dogs. On the other hand, in relation to humans - you wondered about the complexity of human nature. During your service in Judea and Samaria you saw violence and power that you hated, erupting again and again on the part of Jews and on the part of Arabs. The violence clashed with the morals and values you held and demanded of yourself. You, Yuval, were always good and took care of the soldiers you commanded, as well as your friends.

Our home - Reim, the kibbutzim, the moshavim and the nearby cities were crushed and destroyed. On Saturday, news began to reach our ears about the communities in the localities close to us who were murdered; And besides, for the members of the standby classes and the security teams who fought and defended their home and their friends. You and I were also called to the reserve on Shabbat, as many times over the years. There I also received the news of your death, that he went to defend the state and did not return.

I hope that after the period has passed we will be able to restore security to the residents of the Otaf and all the citizens of Israel, repair what was destroyed and continue to build. In the darkness, we need a point of light to look at and act for. Your death and that of our friends must not be in vain. It must lead to a decision on the ground alongside diplomacy. He must lead to hope. We demand hope.

We will all miss you, Yuval."

The friend, Tair Dinor wrote: "He always said - nothing will happen to me, take care of my parents, take care of my friends, I'll be back and it will be fine. I asked him not to go even though I knew there was no chance, Yuval... always when you needed him, he would go."


Honour their memory 🕯️ #october7memorial is purely volunteer-driven and not-for-profit. Please reach us here should you wish to make or suggest any edits to the bio and epitaph of Yuval Gabbai.

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A life beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.

Here we celebrate the memories, the joys, and the life of Yuval Gabbai.
