In Memoriam of:

Yasmin Bira

Age: 52

From: Kibbutz Be'eri

In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Yasmin z"l was born in 1971 in Buenos Aires to Leon and Dora, an identical twin to Dalia and a younger sister to Dana. The parents instilled Zionism and love of the land in the girls and despite the financial hardship, Yasmin, like her sisters, was sent to a private Jewish school called "Golda Meir". At the age of 19, after graduating from a public high school with a realistic major, the twins decided to immigrate and settle in Sde Boker, and there were like swallows that pulled the whole family to Israel after them. Yasmin, the new immigrant, improved her broken Hebrew, adapted to the kibbutz, and at the age of 20 - even though she was exempt from conscription - volunteered for service with the Nahal "garin" to settle in the north.
That same year, 1992, Oron left - after finishing his military service, after working and saved a little money - to the big trip after the army: South America, treks, landscapes, new people. Oren worked in trucking and worked as a roofer. The world opened up to him. Two more years passed, Yasmin was released from the army and moved to live in Jerusalem, in the student dormitories. She studied in preparatory school for studies in humanities, but a year later makes a U-turn and returns to the kibbutz. Oron also returned to the kibbutz after a trip of a year and a half. A lot of work lied ahead of him. He completed his matriculation, successfully completed a degree in computers and integrated into work at the kibbutz enterprise. He kept his love of trips and adventures, the joy of life and courage by his side throughout his life. In the dining room of Kibbutz Be'eri, taking turns washing dishes, over the large sinks, the two meet. Yasmin was 26. Oren was 29. She came to the kibbutz as a "bambachit" - a farm girl in a year off. She thought of working a little, saving money and found herself two years later, under the wedding canopy, next to a son of the kibbutz who called her in the ears of his friends and family "the light of my life" and never stopped laughing until her last day. "Father's humor " the children called the style that was characterized by word games.

In 2000 Tair was born, 4 years later Yahav was born and 3 more years later Tehal. A family arose. Yasmin nursed all three of them until a late age, holding them all close to her chest. The mischievous, stormy Oron also becomes a devoted and protective father, a broad back for his children. In the internal division between the couple and in front of the children, Yasmin kept the concern for the peace of mind and Oron was the one who spurred them on. A child cries from her schools annual trip, calls in the evening and wants to go home? He will encourage her to overcome and hug her when she returns, saying "Dad, it's good that I stayed."

The years passed. Oron advanced further and higher in the printing house in the field of information security and in the field of love of the good life. From time to time he took Yahav and together they sample a new gourmet restaurant that opened in Tel Aviv. Yasmin also integrates successfully at the printing factory in the technical department (coordination, production, marketing) and was considered a hard-working and hard-working employee. But at the same time as her work, she always makes sure to keep half a job available for volunteering: a shelter for toddlers in Netivot, emotional support for single mothers, integration for disadvantaged populations, everything that is possible, everything that is close to the soul. So with the environment and so with her children. She acquired her profession as an accountant while working and living and raising children and reading books and switching from one diet guru to another. "She's afraid of Sivan Ofiri," Oron laughed when she decided on the diet method she held onto.

Yasmin talked about feelings and weaknesses, shining in her honesty and her ability to see others. Oron, for whom communication with the children was just as important, found other ways: sports and fitness, cycling and diving, adventures and trips. Yasmin was responsible for the budget and Oron for the waste of the budget. Yasmin asks to save and Oron replies: "You only live once." Oron cooked, Yasmin baked. Oron admired the "Bana'im" and especially Ehud Banai. Yasmin, the footballer Lionel Messi. He didn't miss a show, she didn't miss a game. When Messi lost, Oron knew and the children knew, it was a sad day that should be distanced from her.

Everyone who was close to the family knew about the special relationship. He knew that each of the family members preferred to be with the family, the family first. Five people and one Poncho dog - who accompanied the family for 12 years and was also murdered - who were bound and wrapped around each other. They are careful about shared meals, shared trips, language and inner jokes. A family where everyone is for everyone and everyone is for one. And one left.

Three months before the Black Shabbat, Yasmin and Oron went to Portugal for a couple's trip. Longing for the children pushed them to take action: they went into a local tattoo shop and asked for a joint tattoo. When finished, send the photo to the children. On their outstretched arms the children could read their names engraved in the skin: Tair, Yahav, Tahl.

On Friday, October 6, 2023, the family went out to a restaurant and a movie. Yahav's girlfriend also joined. When they parted, Yasmin and Oron and the two girls headed home, while Yahav and his girlfriend headed to his apartment in the kibbutz. On Saturday, at 10:58 the last sign of life was heard. Tair called Lihav from the safe room. Screams, gunshots, silence and words in Arabic were heard through the phone. Eleven days later, all their bodies were identified in the area near the kibbutz.

The poet Rachel wrote in a poem called Mati about the living dead, the dead that death will never stab its sharp knife into. She also wrote to Lihav from the distance of the years: "They are the only ones left to me, only in them only, death will not pierce my sharp knife. At the turn of the road, at the dawn of the day, I will be surrounded by deafness, I will be silent. A true covenant is for us, an inseparable bond, only what is lost to me is my memorium forever". Lihav remains a great memorium.


Honour their memory 🕯️ #october7memorial is purely volunteer-driven and not-for-profit. Please reach us here should you wish to make or suggest any edits to the bio and epitaph of Yasmin Bira.

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A life beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.

Here we celebrate the memories, the joys, and the life of Yasmin Bira.
