In Memoriam of:

Yannai Kaminka

Age: 19

From: Tzur Hadassah

In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.

First Lieutenant Yannai Kaminka, z"l, is a dual US-Israeli citizen from Tzur Hadassah and commander in the Home Front Command, died defending the trainees of the Zikim army base, a few weeks before his 20th birthday. He is survived by his parents and three siblings. Before the army, Yannai showed his leadership in the Boy Scouts and beyond.

Elana Kaminka, his mother, wrote this about Yannai:


"He wasn’t very old, but he had maturity in a deep, very deep personal ethics that I think is unusual for someone his age. He really believed in seeing the humanity in each and every person that he met.

Yannai was not a very chatty son. He instead preferred to be on the sidelines observing and conversing with people one-on-one. The family joked that he had x-ray vision because Yannai, from a young age, was constantly analyzing, trying to figure out who a person was, understand their pain and find ways to connect personally.

In high school, Yannai worked as a scout leader. Many of his former scouts told stories of Yannai. During bus trips, all the other counselors would sit up front while the kids sat in the back.

He’d just come and sit down next to one of the kids in his group and just have a conversation with them. And one of the kids said to me that’s the first time that an adult’s talked to me like that.

Yannai would later do a year of civilian service before the Army. His ability to connect with strangers and loose acquaintances extended to his work with at-risk youth attempting to navigate difficult neighborhoods. Kids recalled that Yannai would spend hours talking to the kids but never talked about himself.

He preserved that skill during his career in the Army.

The Army isn’t the type of framework that encourages like these deep interpersonal connections. It’s very rigid and very harsh. He didn’t accept that. He told us when he was a basic trainee, he said, the commanders I respect are the ones who don’t le flaunt their authority in their ranks but who really see you and care about you.

Though Yannai eventually moved on to platoon commander, second lieutenant and first lieutenant, he often spent substantial time asking soldiers about their friends, family and what they wanted to accomplish. Sometimes, he even made visits to the homes of his trainees.

I think he saw himself in more of a parental role,” Elana surmised. “He was a good soldier, and he did his job as well. But he didn’t end it that way. He really looked at the personal side of and the human side who he worked with."

She also recalls the information she received about her son's final hours:


"At 6:30 in the morning, the base came under heavy artillery fire. They said afterward they found something like 35 missile heads within the base’s perimeter. So heavy, heavy artillery fire,” Elana said.

According to protocol, everyone inside the base, including the trainees and staff, ran to the bomb shelters. There was also a religious family who was inside that had been visiting.

Outside, civilians were on the beach throwing a party. Some were killed immediately when Hamas attacked, while others ran from the coastline into the base perimeter.

Once inside the shelter, the staff sergeants realized the trainees could not handle the situation and took over their posts.

So, all the officers and sergeants put themselves on the front line. It wasn’t a situation where the officers were sitting in the comfy room and putting the grunts at risk. It was the opposite. They protected their soldiers.

The commanders soon find themselves under heavy fire from three Hamas cells around the perimeter. The team communicated using WhatsApp, firing off messages to call for medics and report grenades. One of the sergeants was then hit. She was seriously injured and remains in critical condition in the hospital. Another sergeant then filled the position before getting injured.

Yannai left his post and ran there to give them the backup. He was there, him another officer and two sergeants, and they came under heavy attack by a Hamas cell. They fought for quite a long time. They started sending out, you know, calls again, "ammo, ammo." They needed more ammo. Then, the last message was at 8:13 a.m. One of them wrote, "I’m injured." And then the connection cut off.

All four of them were killed. In total, three officers (Adir Abudi, Or Mozes, and Adar Ben Simon), two sergeants (Eden Levy and Omri Niv Fierstein) and one trainee (Neria Nagri) were also killed in the attack.

Recollections from the IDF suggest that the team took out one to three Hamas terrorists before getting hit with an explosive.

One of the surviving terrorists ran inside the base and was confronted by the trainees. The Hamas agent killed one trainee before another grabbed him. The trainee was shot in the arm in the scuffle, while another was able to neutralize the terrorist.

The actions of Yannai and his comrades saved the lives of over 90 trainees and approximately 30 other soldiers and civilians inside of Zikim. As a result of their actions, Kibbutz Zikim, which is adjacent to the base, was able to prepare. There were no casualties in the kibbutz.

Honour their memory 🕯️ #october7memorial is purely volunteer-driven and not-for-profit. Please reach us here should you wish to make or suggest any edits to the bio and epitaph of Yannai Kaminka.


Remembrances of Yannai Kaminka

A life beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.

Here we celebrate the memories, the joys, and the life of Yannai Kaminka.