In Memoriam of:
In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.
Din Nehorai Bar, 27, and his nephew, Staff Sgt. Shoham Bar, 21, both from Ahuzat Barak, were murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7.
They went to the festival with their good friend, Eitan Snir, who was also murdered.
The three of them fled from the festival when the rockets started, and stopped next to a roadside bomb shelter where they sought refuge. They sent one final selfie of the three of them at the shelter, and were never seen alive again.
Din worked as a barber and owned his own hair salon, while Shoam was an off-duty logistics NCO in Golani.
Shoam is survived by his parents, Pazit and Asi, and his younger siblings Elay, Hoshen and Lian. He was buried in Ahuzat Barak on October 13.
Din is survived by his 3-year-old son, Kai, his parents Meir and Aviva and his three brothers Asi, Liran and Hadar. He was buried in Ahuzat Barak on October 11.
Shoam’s sister Lian wrote on Instagram about “my brother, my best friend… You were the best brother there was, you always helped and took care of everyone, always took me to and brought me back from every place.”
She added: “I’ll never forget our most beautiful moments together, our hilarious nights when you would sit and play with my hair for hours. It was always you and I against the world, never you and I against each other… You were the person who put a smile on my face every day and made me laugh so much and did only good in this life.”
Shoam’s girlfriend, Almog Cohen, wrote on social media that he was “the purest person there was, always did everything with true intentions… A boy with a captivating smile who loved simply enjoying and dancing.”
“The love of my life, I can’t believe that I need to sum up our experiences, I was sure that we were forever,” she added. “From the moment I met you we had an indescribable connection, people didn’t understand why we didn’t let each other go, how we weren’t sick of being together 24/7, but what nobody understood was that we were each other’s escape, from the good, from the bad and from anything that sat on our hearts.”
Lian wrote of her uncle Din, “You were the best uncle that could be, I cannot come to terms with all this — you were a person with a huge heart. It’s crazy to go past your barber shop and not see you in there working. You were the best person in [our town], everyone loved you and your work. I promise that I will watch over Kai and will be with him forever.”
Din’s co-worker, Ron Keren, described him as “more than a friend, a brother — from nursery school… until a partnership in the same career that started way back at age 13, how time flies.”
“You were so strong, it didn’t matter what you went through — and you went through a lot — you were always accompanied by optimism and a smile,” wrote Keren. “You had a smile, my brother, which could make every bad thought be forgotten… Dinus, I promise to do everything to immortalize you and spirit and your path.”
Keren noted that Din had started an initiative to volunteer to cut hair in an old age home in their town and that a group of barbers had continued and expanded the project in his honor.
Asi Bar, Shoam’s father and Din’s brother, got three tattoos two months after they were killed: Shoam’s name and birth date, Din’s name and birth date, and the logo and date of the Supernova festival.
“I can’t come to terms with the fact that I won’t see you and Din ever again,” he wrote on social media. “I look for you in every place and speak to you but there is never any answer. My beautiful souls, I miss you.”
“I am thirsty for your touch, for the sounds of your voices, for your beautiful smiles,” he added later. “My heart has an enormous hole forever. I wait for you night and day and cannot comprehend that we will never meet again.”
Source: The Times of Israel