In Memoriam of:

Pedia Mark

Age: 22

From: Otniel

In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Sgt. Pedia Mark, z"l, 22, from Otniel, a soldier in the Tzabar Battalion, Givati Brigade, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
This is not the first tragedy to hit the Mark family. In 2016, Pedia's father, Michael (Michi) Mark, was murdered in a shooting attack in the south of Mount Hebron, during which a vehicle carrying Palestinian terrorists overtook the family's vehicle traveling on Route 60, when the terrorists opened heavy fire in their direction. The mother, Chava, was then seriously injured, and Pedia and his sister Tehila, who were with them in the car, were also injured during the attack. "They shot at us from my sister's side, she was sitting on my left, and then suddenly my father stopped moving and the car overturned," testified Pediya, who was only 15 years old at the time. In 2019, his older brother Shlomi, who also served in Givati, was killed in a motorcycle accident while fullifilling his duty in security.

During the massacre in the Otaf settlements on October 7, Pedia's cousin, Elhanan Meir Clemenzon, who served as an officer at the IOS division headquarters in the reserves, also fell in a heroic battle with Hamas terrorists. After Pedia learned of Elhanan's death, they asked him to come to the funeral and be with the family, but he refused to leave his soldiers in battle, Pedia decided to stay and fight by their side, and in fact did not return home since the fighting began.

Pedia's mother, Chava Mark, paid tribute to him in tears and said that "we are only saying goodbye to your body, my love. You were a hero, strong, brave and determined." Her daughter continued to read her mother's name, adding: "You knew what you wanted - to be a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, and you went for it with all your might. I wanted to stop you, but I really couldn't."
Along with being a hero and strong, you were sensitive," she added. "I miss you so much that there are no words to describe it, it is not possible that you will not come back. I will wait for you to come with my father and my brother, only the hope and faith that you will return gives me strength."
Pedia's sister, Shira, said that she wrote the eulogy: "I thank you, beloved, for this privilege to feel you close, to learn nobility from you, along with modesty. When you spoke it was sharp, with a power that complete speeches don't have," she said. "I remember your smile, I remember countless moments of conversations about the attack. The whole time you held values that I don't know where, you came to a determined and stubborn command like only you know how to be.
"My children admire you and want to be like you, just like you," she added. "Your huge heart, your inner and outer beauty. Everyone wanted your closeness, just to be near you. Because of my love for you, I will continue to live this life to its depth and accuracy. My children will continue to talk about you with endless bravery. A small request - pray for us for the healing of mind and body, for victory and unity of the people".

The deputy commander of the Gaza Division, Lt. Col. Guy Biton, said that "Pedia took a significant part in the defense of the State of Israel and its citizens." Biton paid tribute to Pediya, adding that "despite the family confrontation with your father and brother - you chose to be a fighter. You were a special, humble person, with a heart of gold and a constant smile. You were an inspiring commander, with great humility you spread light wherever you went. You fell as a hero fighting against a vile enemy."
Yisca, Pedia's sister-in-law and the widow of his brother Shlomi, said that "I felt that you would die in this war, and I knew that I had no way to prevent it. I felt signs on the way, in the messages and words you chose. Few people got to know the depths of your beautiful soul, I already miss you my best friend , the man who knows me almost without words. You were the world to us." Pedia's little nephew added: "You were like a big brother to me."

Honour their memory 🕯️ #october7memorial is purely volunteer-driven and not-for-profit. Please reach us here should you wish to make or suggest any edits to the bio and epitaph of Pedia Mark.


Remembrances of Pedia Mark

A life beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.

Here we celebrate the memories, the joys, and the life of Pedia Mark.