In Memoriam of:

Aviv Kotz

Age: 54

From: Kibbutz Kfar Aza

In Loving Memory of the Innocent Souls Taken Too Soon. United in peace, their light shines on in the hearts left behind. October 7, 2023, a day of sorrow, but their memories guide us toward a hopeful tomorrow.

Aviv Kotz, z"l, was murdered in his Kibbutz Kfar Aza family home along with his entire family: wife Livnat, sons Yonatan (16 y.o.) and Yiftach (14 y.o.), and daughter Rotem (19 y.o.). The rescuers found the entire family dead, hugging in bed, with the parents covering the children from above. Aviv and Livnat lived in Boston for a while until moving back to Israel to expand the family.

Aviv Kotz was a man of spirit and manual labor. A soul that walked among us and only wanted to do good in the world. Aviv was the vice president of the semiconductor division at AVIV.

Aviv and his family initiated and held every year a kite festival - a happy and colorful kite celebration and flew kites to reach the hearts on the other side and cross fences. Aviv was a cluster man who never stopped creating - he sculpted, painted ironwork and did handicrafts in every free moment.

When he was an engineer and project manager at a consulting company in Tel Aviv, Aviv met Livnat. After they got married, they relocated to the United States. And when they decided to expand the family, they settled in Israel 19 years ago.

Honour their memory 🕯️ #october7memorial is purely volunteer-driven and not-for-profit. Please reach us here should you wish to make or suggest any edits to the bio and epitaph of Aviv Kotz.

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A life beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.

Here we celebrate the memories, the joys, and the life of Aviv Kotz.
